Special Issue of Production and Operations Management
投稿截止日期:September 30, 2022

一、动机和背景(Motivation and Background)
多样性、公平性和包容性 (DEI) 的必要性在我们个人和集体的思维方式中从未像现在这样重要。 DEI 可以通过多种方式定义,并且可以使用多种方法来实现。 具体来说,多样性可以根据人口统计变量来识别,例如种族、民族、性别、国籍、性取向、个人和团队的能力和障碍、个性类型、薪酬、军事地位、婚姻状况、能力和年龄等。 公平性传统上讲的是对努力的奖励。在系统层面上,公平也与公正的概念有关。 包容性增加了个人和实体在系统内的归属感,同时保留了它们的基本独特性。DEI 通常被认为主要是人力资源/组织行为问题。 然而,它以各种方式与运营和供应链相互作用,其中一些我们已经知道,但还有许多尚未了解。本期专刊旨在探讨 DEI 与运营和供应链管理 (OM/SCM) 之间的这些相互作用。
The imperative for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has never been more important in our individual and collective mindsets. DEI can be defined in several ways and can be implemented using a variety of approaches. Specifically, diversity can be recognized in terms of demographic variables such as race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, individual and team abilities and disabilities, personality types, pay, military status, marital status, ability, and age, among others. Equity traditionally has dealt with ideas of reward to effort. At a systemic level, equity is also related to notions of fairness. Inclusion increases belongingness of individuals and entities within a system while retaining their essential uniqueness. DEI is often thought of primarily as a human resources/organizational behavior issue. However, it interacts with operations and supply chains in various ways, some of which we already know but many others are not yet understood. This special issue aims to explore these interactions between DEI and operations and supply chain man- agement (OM/SCM)
二、专刊的目标(Objectives of the Special Issue)
本期专刊目标是让 OM/SCM 中对 DEI 的已有研究多样化,并在该领域包括更广泛的观点和方法。 向专刊投稿应证明与 OM/SCM 领域明确相关,但也应以与所研究的 DEI 特定方面相关的文献为基础。例如,在残疾、医疗保健、创业、社会系统和供应链设计、组织行为学、社会学、人类学、政治经济学或其他。强烈鼓励DEI领域的学者与从业者进行跨学科工作与合作,他们可以为 OM/SCM 社区带来新颖的观点。 此外,我们欢迎在公司和社会层面具有政策影响的文章。
The objective of the special issue is to diversify the research that is already being done on DEI in OM/SCM, and to include a broader range of perspectives and methodologies in this domain. Submissions to the special issue should demonstrate clear relevance to the field of OM/SCM, but should also be well- grounded in the literatures relevant to the specific aspect of DEI being studied, for example, in disability, healthcare, entrepreneurship, designing social systems and supply chains, organizational behavior, sociology, anthropology, political economics, or other. Interdisciplinary work and co-authorship with scholars and practitioners in the DEI space who can bring perspectives that are novel for the OM/SCM community are strongly encouraged. Further, we welcome articles that have policy implications at both firm and societal level.
三、投稿类型和评审流程(Submission Types and Review Process)
研究文章:研究文章最好不超过4000 字。 专刊是与方法无关的。 这些文章应包括简短的动机、文献回顾、分析、关键结果以及DEI如何影响 OM/SCM的简短讨论。对于基于数据的文章,应将附加表格和稳健性检查放入(在线)附录。 此外,任何特定假设的贡献都比假设的数量更重要。超过 4000 字的文章也会被考虑,但额外的长度需要通过额外的贡献来证明是合理的。
Research articles: Research articles should preferably be no more than 4000 words. The special issue is methods-agnostic. These articles should include brief motivation, literature review, analysis, key results, and a short discussion of implications for DEI for OM/SCM. With regard to articles based on data, additional tables and robustness checks should be relegated to (online) appendices. Further, the contribution of any specific hypothesis is more important than the number of hypotheses. Articles longer than 4000 words will also be considered but the additional length needs to be justified by additional contribution.
分析短文和简要报告:分析短文和简短报告应侧重于对直接具有 OM/SCM 影响的 DEI 关键问题进行批判性分析。分析短文和简要报告的目的是教育更广泛的 OM/SCM 社区,让他们了解 DEI 对 OM/SCM 的潜在影响。这些文章可以突出当代相关的问题,并加深我们对 OM/SCM 中的 DEI 问题的理解。此类别中的文章不应超过 3000 字,包括动机、简短的文献综述(与 OM/SCM 和其他学科建立适当的联系)、批判性分析(可能基于论点和潜在的原始数据,但不一定包括详细的统计或数学分析),以及对 OM/SCM 的影响。一篇分析性短文可以基于对现有文献的仔细分析,并翻译成对 OM/SCM 的影响;一份简短的报告将基于实践中的观察。
Analytical essays and brief reports: Analytical essays and brief reports should focus on critical analysis of key issues in DEI that directly have OM/SCM implications. The purpose of the analytical essays and brief reports is to educate the broader OM/SCM community on potential implications of DEI for OM/SCM. These articles can highlight issues of contemporary relevance and deepen our understanding of DEI issues within OM/SCM. The articles in this category should be no more than 3000 words, including motiva- tion a brief literature review (that makes appropriate connections to OM/SCM and other disciplines), critical analyses (which could be based on arguments and potentially raw data but do not necessarily include detailed statistical or mathematical analysis), and implications for OM/SCM. An analytical essay can be based on careful analysis of existing literature with translation to implica- tions for OM/SCM; a brief report will be based on observations from practice.
Nerenz, D.R., Austin, J.M., Deutscher, D., Maddox, K.E.J., Nuccio, E.J., Teigland, C., Weinhandl, E. and Glance, L.G., 2021. Adjusting Quality Measures For Social Risk Factors Can Promote Equity In Health Care. Article draws on literature to review arguments for and against adjusting quality measures to account for social risk factors. Health Affairs, 40(4), pp. 637-644, at https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/pdf/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.01764
Holshue, Michelle L., Chas DeBolt, Scott Lindquist, Kathy H. Lofy, John Wiesman, Hollianne Bruce, Christopher Spitters et al., 2020. Article describes the identification, diagnosis and management of the first case of the 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine, 382(10), pp. 929-936, at https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191
评审此类论文的指导方针是:“我们认为对 DEI 感兴趣的 OM 学者会从阅读本文中学到一些可能影响他们未来在该领域工作的东西吗?” 以及“所阐述的想法在科学、核心运营管理和供应链原则中有明确的基础吗? 作者是否提供了足够的证据来支持他们的主张? 这样的想法能否在现实世界——即公司和社区——中实施?” 基于个人观点或作者经验的论文,没有来自数据或文献的合理证据来支持他们的主张,可能是不够的。 这些论文将由专刊招募的高级编辑团队根据文章对更广泛的 OM/SCM 社区就 DEI 对 OM/SCM 的影响进行教育的程度进行评审。
The guideline for reviewing such papers will be: “Do we think that OM scholars who are interested in DEI will learn something from reading this that might influence their future work in this field?” “Do the ideas articulated have clear basis in science and core operations management and supply chain principles? Are authors presenting enough evidence to support their claims? Can such ideas be implemented in the real world – that is, firms and communities?” Papers that are based on individual opinions or on the experi- ence of authors, without reasonable evidence from data or literature to support their claims, may not be sufficient. These papers will be reviewed by a team of senior editors recruited for the special issue, based on the extent to which the article educates the broader OM/SCM community on the implications of DEI for OM/SCM.
四、为什么要在本期POM专刊上发表?(Why Publish in this Special Issue of POM?)
POM 具有成为 OM/SCM 创新工作的出路的传统,其中包括一长串专注于几年后才进入主流主题的特殊问题。 客座编辑将与生产和运营管理协会合作,以提高这一问题的知名度,例如通过 POMS 播客系列 (https://soundcloud.com/user-398873235),并邀请随专刊,可以针对从业者受众。
POM has a tradition of being an outlet for innovative work in OM/SCM, including a long list of special issues focused on topics that only entered the mainstream years later. The guest editors will work with the Production and Operations Management Society to enhance the visibility of this issue, for instance through the POMS podcast series (https://soundcloud.com/user-398873235), and by inviting blog posts that can accompany the special issue and that can be aimed at practitioner audiences.
五、投稿指南(Submission Guidelines)
• 所有论文都需要按POM 的提交指南提交,见 https://www.poms. org/journal/author_instructions/。
• 虽然专刊欢迎所有形式的数据和提交方法,但作者必须仔细注意其数据的出处。 例如,从网站上抓取或从非传统来源获取的数据应遵守适用的使用条款,并确认合理使用的理念。 此外,不应以对个人或公司造成伤害的方式收集数据; 可能需要获得机构评审委员会 (IRB) 或类似实体的批准,但这还不够。
• 对于实证和实验研究,我们鼓励作者在开放科学基金会 (https://help.osf.io/hc/en-us/articles/360021390833-Preregistration) 或 AsPredicted (https://aspredicted.org/) 或类似网站上预先注册他们的工作。
• 请通过 ScholarOne 在 https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/poms 提交稿件。请注意,对研究论文以及分析短文和简要报告有单独的链接:在系统中,由于涉及的评审过程不同,它们被识别为单独的专刊,但被接受的论文将合并为一个专刊。
• 所有与专刊编辑有利益冲突的作者的论文将由主编和其他人处理,而不是由专刊编辑处理。
• All papers need to confirm to the POM submission guidelines at https://www.poms. org/journal/author_instructions/
• While the special issue welcomes all forms of data and methodologies for submissions, the authors must pay careful attention to the provenance of their data. For example, data scraped from websites or obtained from non-traditional sources should comply with the applicable terms of use and confirm to the idea of fair use. Further, data should not be collected in a manner that causes harm to individuals or companies; approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or similar entity may be required but need not be sufficient.
• For empirical and experimental studies, we encourage authors to pre-register their work at a site such as the Open Science Foundation (https://help.osf.io/hc/en-us/articles/360021390833-Preregistration) or AsPredicted (https://aspredicted.org/) or similar.
• Please submit manuscripts through ScholarOne at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/poms. Please note that there are separate links for research papers and for analytical essays and brief reports: in the system they are identified as separate special issues due to the different review processes involved, but accepted papers will be combined into a single special issue.
• All papers by authors that have a conflict of interest with either of the special issue editors will be handled by the Editor-in-Chief and others, not by the special issue editors.
六、计划时间表(Projected Timeline)
• 从 2022 年 5 月 1 日起接受提交。
• 首次提交截止日期:2022 年 9 月 30 日。
• 预计在 2023 年 9 月做出最终决定。
• 有关提交过程,请参阅以下步骤。
• Submissions will be accepted from May 1, 2022.
• First submission due: September 30, 2022.
• Final decisions expected by September 2023.
• For the process of submission, please see steps below.
七、提交流程(Submission Process)
论文应通过 POM 手稿中心网站提交:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/poms。
在作者选项卡上,请在步骤 1 中选择“ Special issue ”。
在步骤 1 中出现的下拉菜单中,请选择您的文章类型。两种文章类型都将被视为同一个专刊,但作者需要在专刊中标记特定的文章类型。
如果您要提交“研究文章”,请选择“Special issue on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Operations and Supply Chain Management – Research Article”类别。
如果您要提交“分析论文和简要报告”文章,请选择“Special issue on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Operations and Supply Chain Management – Analytical essays and brief reports”类别。
第 6 步,请上传求职信;请在您的信函中注明专刊的标题和您提交的具体文章类型。
在第 6 步结束时,请在“Is this submission for a special issue?”的问题中选择“Yes”。并在下面的文本框中输入专刊的标题:“关于运营和供应链管理中的多元化、公平和包容性的专刊”。
Papers should be submitted through the POM manu- script central website: https://mc.manuscriptcentral. com/poms.
For prompt processing, please follow the prompts below:
On the author tab, please choose “Special issue” in Step 1.
In the drop down menu that then appears in Step 1, please select your article type. Both article types will be considered for the same special issue, but authors need to mark the specific article type within the special issue.
If you are submitting a “research article” please choose the “Special issue on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Operations and Supply Chain Management – Research Article” category.
If you are submitting an “Analytical essays and brief reports” article please choose the “Special issue on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Operations and Supply Chain Management – Analytical essays and brief reports” category.
Follow the prompts on the screen.
For Step 6, please upload a cover letter; please include in your letter the title of the special issue and the specific article type you are submitting.
Toward the end of Step 6, please indicate “yes” for the question “Is this submission for a special issue?” and enter the title of the special issue in the text box below: “Special issue on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Operations and Supply Chain Management.”
Charles J. Corbett, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Sriram Narayanan, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University
网址引用: 思谋科普组. POM专刊征稿:运营与供应链管理的多样性、公平性与包容性. 思谋网. https://www.scmor.com/view/7664.